Showcasing Artists

Featured Artist:

Pauline Brook

Pauline Brook

Pauline Brook is founder of Aboriginal Resources Consulting, (A.R.C), an organization specializing in Aboriginal culture and traditions. She also works for Aboriginal Experiences, an outdoor native village located on Victoria Island in the Ottawa River. The village is the first and only "urban" Aboriginal Cultural attraction. Pauline is also known in the music circuit as an Aboriginal Singer with the music group, "Northern Voices". The band celebrates Canadian culture through a blend of Aboriginal, Celtic, Metis and Francophone music.

Aboriginal Singer

Winterlude's 2010 Festival honoured Canada's first peoples with an Aboriginal presentation on the Rideau Canal Skating Rink. The outdoor event which was hosted by historical interpreters celebrated Canada's native ancestors and their way of life. Key Records spoke with Aboriginal Singer Pauline Brook, one of the historical interpreters working for the company Aboriginal Experience. We learned she makes her living full time teaching and educating others about Aboriginal traditions.


Pauline Brook is the founder of (A.R.C), Aboriginal Resources Consulting. For more information contact Pauline at:

Video recorded Feburary 7th, 2010 on the Rideau Canal Skating Rink, Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Canada.

Visit and take the tour when visiting Ottawa, the Nation's Capital. Aboriginal Experiences


